Plenary speakers for BEI-2024


Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi

Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi is a Professor Emeritus and a Visiting Professor at Saitama University, Saitama, Japan. He is also a Visiting Professor at Dalian University of Technology in China (till 2024 March). He received his doctoral engineering degree from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. His research interests include bridge engineering, earthquake engineering for reinforced concrete structures, application of new materials to concrete structures and retrofitting and rehabilitation of existing concrete structures. Professor Mutsuyoshi is a Fellow of ACI and was a chair of committee on "Cables for cable supported bridges" of fib Commission 5. He has been awarded the JSCE Yoshida Prize (the highest prize for research in concrete engineering in Japan) for Excellent Paper in 1986, 1993, 1995, and 1996, the JSCE Tanaka Prize (the highest prize for research in bridge engineering in Japan) for Excellent Paper in 2016 and 2019, and the JSCE Achievement Prize in 2023; the JPCI prize for Excellent Paper in 1994 and for Technical Development in 2002; and the JCI Meritorious Deed Prize in 2009. He received the Medal for the Contribution of Education to Vietnam from Ministry of Education, Vietnam in 2016. He has been many chairs of committees on concrete in JSCE, JCI and JPCI. He is a professional engineer in Japan and an Executive Professional Civil Engineer (JSCE).


Peter Weber

Mr. Weber, President and CEO of ceEntek, is a high-tech entrepreneur and investor with activities in the US, Asia, and Europe. Over the last years Peter has resigned from public and private company Boards and is focused on revolutionizing Ultrahigh Performance Concrete. ceEntek Pte Ltd, the company Peter started in Singapore in 2011 is the technology leader in Ultrahigh Performance Concrete, UHPC based on its proprietary carbon Nanofibers technology. The new generation of UHPC, UHPC2.0TM does not require silica fume, quartz flour and other admixtures typically used. Peter's background is in high tech with focus on microprocessor technology. He will tell you that there are many communalities between semiconductors and UHPC.